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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Aion Online

Whenever someone mentions Aion Online, I hear all about the nice graphics, great PvP content, superb character customization, fantastic gameplay and etc.. All these kind of remarks make me wonder sometimes if things are really that great or people just exaggerate.

So without further ado, let's dive into it~ Yay~!! Err, where? What? Nevermind... =.=;; Just read on.

Bwahahar. Sorry, I just have to show you guys this noob attack~ xD

Aion Online is 3D fantasy MMORPG by NCSoft. It is P2P, which means you have got to pay to play it and it is based on a monthly subscription basis. You have two race to choose from and a total of eight different classes to play with. They are Gladiator, Templar, Ranger, Assassin, Spirit Master, Sorcerer, Cleric and last but not least, Chanter~ Till now, things have been more or less similar to what other MMORPGs have to offer. Though, Spirit Master and Chanter kinda interest me. Heh.

She look shiny mighty~ Delicious too! ;p

Damn, the pretty characters are really not helping in making me choose what I want. ~.~

Anyway, similar to all MMORPG, you get to customize your character in Aion Online too. However, what differs from most other MMORPG is... you can really customize in great detail~ From height to body size and from hair to beard even up to small details like your eye lashes~!! (Nah, just kidding. You cannot do that~ :p)

Pretty~~ Now I wish my girl friend will look like this. xD

And when you pretenders are done and satisfied with how the in-game you look like, it is time to go into the game. In my personal and humble ~ahem~ opinion, the world in Aion Online is really beautiful and full of vibrant colours, not to mention HUGE. And guess what, you do not have to walk long journey to explore in the world of Aion Online. Why? -facepalm- Because, you have wings~ So fly around. xD

Something is not right about this screenshot, I just can't figure out what...

Welcome to Noobies Land~ xD

Just when you think you have heard pretty much from me what Aion Online has got, there is one more thing I will like to highlight. Crafting~ Those that have got a fetish in crafting, fret not, since you can get to do that in Aion Online. From what I have heard (That's right, heard. Since I do not have the luxury to spend enough time in the game to experience it, unlike a certain someone. :p), crafting is really rewarding.

So ya, what do you think about it? There are of course more about the game that I have not managed to mention it here. Guess it is up to you guys to 'discover' yourself. :p I think that Aion Online is pretty awesome. The only thing that I do not like is perhaps I feel that it is a little too grind-ny. Grindny? Wait a minute, does this word even exist? Have Imisspelled? Argh, nevermind. You guys should be able to get what I mean, right? I mean, you guys out there are smart people, right? ^^ Hehe, right???

=.=;; Maybe not...

Ciaossu~ ^^

Before you guys leave, below is the trailer of Aion Online. Watch it if it interest you.

*Special thanks to Roger for the noob screenies. :p

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Metal Gear Solid Rising

I stumble across something that make me incredibly excited~ It is as per the title: Metal Gear Solid Rising. My first thought was just the usual "Wow, new Metal Gear Solid. I wonder what cool missions he will be on~" Oh yes, I do love Metal Gear Solid. Anyway~ I read through the blabbering at the post but I still do not have much idea on what is it about. In fact, it just make me a little more confuse... So I scroll down further and THERE IT IS~~ A video!! I clicked it to let it load without much hesitation.

Once the video had streamed, I watched the video. IT IS COOL~!! Very nice video, HD and someone that does not look like Snake, rather I think he looks more similar to Raiden. The guy that ran around naked in the previous installment of Metal Gear Solid. xD I then started to fantasize about how nice if that was the trailer of a full animation. It look so awesome!! xD But then again, all game trailers nowadays looks cool and awesome. =.=;; Nothing really to hype about.

Right? It looks cool but still, it is just a trailer. Just then, the trailer end and went into the gameplay and then what happen next was O.O

It turn out that the gameplay video was really great. In the video, you have that suspected Raiden (which really is Raiden, btw...) with his katana or blade or whatever :p slicing things exactly like the trailer!! Everything his sword comes in contact to = clean slice. For some reason, it really appeal to me and I really want to try it. I am not going to describe too much in detail, rather I have included the video below and you guys can view it to see what I mean.

It is just full of awesomesauceness~

The game is set for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 somewhere in 2011. Although there is now this "Lightning Bolt Action" message beside the title instead of the usual "Tactical Espionage Action" message in the Metal Gear Solid series, it has been announced that there will still be stealth action just that it will be of a faster pace (No more crawling here and there in the air ducts~ xD). Beside this, not much details have been released. (Actually, its: not much more details that I am interested on.. :p) I will definitely be looking out on this game and will post more if I find any. Until then, watermelons anyone? xD

Ciaossu~ ^^

Can you just see the legs?? O.O This is epic coolness. xD

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Aika Online: Medals and Honor Points 101

A final view of the village before I destroy it. Muahaha~!! xD Ok.. it cannot be destroy, I know... =.=;;

Hello there~ xD If you have been an Aika Online player, you should know that it is a MMORPG focusing more on PvP. Because of this, 5 nations were created so that players can kill other players with a darned good reason~ xD

Since players of other nations are considered your nation enemies (other than your allied nation, of course. =.=;;), you are given rewards when you kill them. Medals and honor points are given upon every kill of your opposing nations. So yeah, what the hell are all these for? Well, for medals, you can trade in for experience points upon taking the quest. Honor points? Accumulate as much honor points as you can because you will want to use them to trade for equipments and weapon. These are called Honor Sets and they do have some pretty stats.

So then, how do you get more of the above mentioned? Kill more players from the opposing nations? Damn, I am getting tired for being so repetitive~ :p There are a couple of ways to get them quickly.

1. Participate actively in Relic Raid/ Defend
2. Go BattleGround
3. Go to Arena. (Only three times a day, or so I heard...)
4. Go to any opposing nation and slaughter their citizens~!! (aka Honor Farming)

So here you go, let me know if I miss out anything. xD

Ciaossu~ ^^

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Crazy Sale~

Who does not like sale? I love sales too. But there is one sale, I simply cannot bring myself in liking it. What you ask? Well, see the picture for more information.

I want to get one too~~ T.T

All right... I know not everyone can read Japanese. And if you still have no clue of what it is, let me explain further. Seems like the price of Final Fantasy XIII has drop to a really ridiculous low by some retailers in Japanese. Just look at the price. OMG, 500 yen for a brand new Final Fantasy XIII for the PS3? That is JUST absurd~!! Seriously, is that game really that bad that it needs such a discount to be able to sale??? =.=;;

So yea, after hearing this, how do you expect me to like a sale like that? At the very least, do the same for the english version~!!!! I cannot read Japanese even if my life depend on it. T.T I want to buy one at such a price too~~ xD

Ciaossu~ ^^

Diablo 3

As if there are not enough cool games coming out and now, we got Diablo 3. As if... Nah, I will not get enough of cool games. xD For season gamers, Diablo definitely rings a bell~ But for those that are not, do not worry, let me give you some insight on what is it about. ^^ Diablo is a... =.=;; Do I look like some teacher?? Go search for it, lazy bones. :p

I am glad it has some brighter area in the game. Unlike what it used to have. ^^

Anyway, Diablo looks to be the same as its predecessor with the exception of additional classes. If and I say IF, my memory serves me correct, previous Diablo only have 3 classes. (Yah I know, its too little. That is why we are having more choices now. xD) Anyway, the 3 classes were Warrior, Wizard, Archer. So what do we have now? We have got FIVE classes~ xD =.=;; What? That is also an increase. Come on, lets not be so calculative, shall we? xD So the 5 classes are Witch Doctor, Barbarian, Witch Doctor, Monk and err.. its not released yet. (Archer, anyone? :p) Meanwhile, I believe the classes are NOT gender lock. Isn't it great~? ^^

Seeing this brings back all the memory I have on Diablo 2...

Surprisingly, after the unbelievable long time that Blizzard has taken, there are not much news about Diablo 3 till now. Look, even the classes have not been fully announced yet. =.=;; So lets not talk about the release date~~ Well, even Blizzard themselves are saying that they are going to take as much time as needed before releasing this game, so let's wait up, shall we? Before that, let's see what is so nice about the game. I have got video on the gameplay, mainly on the Monk class. So yea, below~ xD

Opps. Sorry, this is just another screeny. The video is below. xD

Oh, and I will really want to try the multiplayer mode on this game. I think it is going to rock~ xD Ciaossu~ ^^

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Amaziness of Makeup

Now now now, everyone knows girls (or maybe some boys too, hehe. You know what I am talking about don't you, notty fellow. :p Anyway...) love makeup. Check out the brands and quantity that is available in the market. M.A.C (Nah.. Not Mcdonald's. We will talk about that another time...), Benefit, Bobbi Brown, Shisedo, Shu Umera, Clinique, Kose and many many more. Damn, that is alot of brands~!! And NO, I am not one of the boys out there that love makeup. Rather, the point of this post is focusing on WHY the girls love them. I have always wonder why girls love them. You cannot eat them anyway... Ok, maybe you can. =.=;;

Ya know, I have actually ask some girls why they love makeup. Here are some of the answers: Confidence, look prettier, conceal and stuff. But then I heard the one word that make me pause for a second. What word you say? Transformation. Yea man, you got it. It is transformation! What the hell is transformation? Before I continue, let us watch the video below.

Did you see that? Did you really see that? Damn, what the hell is a freaking Two Face from Batman doing in that video? So guys, the next time you see another pretty girl with makeup walking on the street, think twice. What? I was just saying...

Ciaossu~ ^^

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Final Fantasy XIV

As a mini fanboy of Final Fantasy and an avid player of MMORPG, I could not resist not blogging about Final Fantasy XIV online. Final Fantasy XIV is a 3D fantasy (well, of course it is fantasy, what do you expect? It is FINAL FANTASY, hello??? :p) P2P MMORPG. It is currently under close beta testing and it is due to release either late 2010 or early 2011 in English, Japanese, French and German. *Rumor. So do not bring your hopes up too high~ ^^

Beautiful landscape, dont you agree? ^^

To most, the name Final Fantasy is already worthy enough for them to spend their time on a game. However, not to me. I am not that shallow. :p In here, I will not comment on the graphics since graphics by Square was almost never an issue. Rather, I will let you guys judge them yourselves in awhile later. For now, I will like to talk about the gameplay. It seems that Square had abolished the usual leveling system and instead, it will be skill based which is called the Armoury system. I believe, this means that the longer you use a particular weapon, you gain experience and therefore become better at using that particular weapon with more skills available (so instead of your character leveling up, your skill level up). Also, your character changes appearance depending on the weapon you are wielding. And you can choose to change weapon at any point of time! This means you get to play any class you want at anytime, without the need to create new character~ Woot! xD Just the perfect solution for fickle minded people like me. :p Speaking for which, there will be many types of classes available. Mainly, they will be divided into 4 different disciplines which are Disciples of War, Magic, Land and Hand. Below, I will list down the class of each Discipline.

Disciples of War

Disciples of Magic

Disciples of the Land

Disciples of the Hand

DAI!!! xD

I wonder how the hell that thing caught fire in the water? ~.~

To be honest, I cannot wait to try out this system. Just check out the classes available. What the hell a Botanist do?? Grow plants? =.=;; And what the plants do? Heal? So much questions and so little answers. xD

Back to the game, currently, 5 races have been announced. However, it seems that the race you choose will not be affecting the choices of your class OR the gameplay experience. Besides this, not much details of the gameplay has been released. *There are still more, just that it does not really interest me. Hehe. Anyway, for more information, you can check it out at here.

Ciaossu~ ^^

PS: Chocobo will be back~ ^^