Demo Site

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Metal Gear Solid Rising

I stumble across something that make me incredibly excited~ It is as per the title: Metal Gear Solid Rising. My first thought was just the usual "Wow, new Metal Gear Solid. I wonder what cool missions he will be on~" Oh yes, I do love Metal Gear Solid. Anyway~ I read through the blabbering at the post but I still do not have much idea on what is it about. In fact, it just make me a little more confuse... So I scroll down further and THERE IT IS~~ A video!! I clicked it to let it load without much hesitation.

Once the video had streamed, I watched the video. IT IS COOL~!! Very nice video, HD and someone that does not look like Snake, rather I think he looks more similar to Raiden. The guy that ran around naked in the previous installment of Metal Gear Solid. xD I then started to fantasize about how nice if that was the trailer of a full animation. It look so awesome!! xD But then again, all game trailers nowadays looks cool and awesome. =.=;; Nothing really to hype about.

Right? It looks cool but still, it is just a trailer. Just then, the trailer end and went into the gameplay and then what happen next was O.O

It turn out that the gameplay video was really great. In the video, you have that suspected Raiden (which really is Raiden, btw...) with his katana or blade or whatever :p slicing things exactly like the trailer!! Everything his sword comes in contact to = clean slice. For some reason, it really appeal to me and I really want to try it. I am not going to describe too much in detail, rather I have included the video below and you guys can view it to see what I mean.

It is just full of awesomesauceness~

The game is set for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 somewhere in 2011. Although there is now this "Lightning Bolt Action" message beside the title instead of the usual "Tactical Espionage Action" message in the Metal Gear Solid series, it has been announced that there will still be stealth action just that it will be of a faster pace (No more crawling here and there in the air ducts~ xD). Beside this, not much details have been released. (Actually, its: not much more details that I am interested on.. :p) I will definitely be looking out on this game and will post more if I find any. Until then, watermelons anyone? xD

Ciaossu~ ^^

Can you just see the legs?? O.O This is epic coolness. xD


Roger said...

Too bad your pc is too nub to handle this game xD